The workshop is organized by the Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) under the mandate of MELODI, in collaboration with the ALLIANCE and with the contribution of OECD/ NEA/CRPPR/HLG-LDR, EURADOS and Health Canada. Workshop objective statement The concept of AOP is a new concept for radioprotection research that has originally been proposed and developed for the assessment of the toxicity of chemical stressors with an overall goal to aid regulation based off mechanistic knowledge of biological effects. Promoted and coordinated by the OECD, the AOP concept has been considered of value to radioprotection research that can help reconcile knowledge within radiation biology and epidemiology. The workshop’s main objective is to enhance awareness of and trigger interest in the AOP concept among those involved in radioprotection research. We therefore plan an in-depth immersion in the topic starting from the introduction to detailed coverage of the concept and to hands-on sessions during which specific AOPs will be proposed. Program at a Glance Session 1: Refresher Session: principles of AOPs arranged by the OECD AOP group – Monday 12 April (13h00-17h30) Session 2: Use of AOP for risk assessment and risk management – Tuesday 13 April (14h00-16h00) Session 3: Existing radiation AOPs and what AOPs need to be developed next – Tuesday 13 April (16h15-18h00) Session 4: AOPs for chemicals and IR: what are the similarities and differences – Wednesday 14 April (14h30-16h15) Session 5: Usefulness of AOP to identify knowledge gaps and define research priorities – Wednesday 14 April (16h30-18h00) Session 6: Systems Biology approach as a tool for developing AOPs – Thursday 15 April (14h30-17h30) More information about the workshop including the program and registration can be found at You will be able to register to the different parts of the program and to attend the workshop using the online platform at the link above.
We are glad to inform you that there are two open positions in Stockholms University! For the researcher position regarding Alzheimer’s therapy and radiation biology, check the link: For the PostDoc position, check the link:
There is a new post-doctoral position in radiobiology in University of Caen Normandy in France. The position is aimed at obtaining a fundamental molecular understanding of mechanisms of radiation exposure, alone or in combination of different inhibitors. The project will be focused on the effects of x-rays and particle radiation on differentiation processes of primary human stem cells in culture. For more information, please visit:
Researchers in nuclear safety, nuclear non-proliferation and medical radiation can now apply for research funding from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has recently changed its routines regarding research funding and now distributes the majority of research funds via calls for proposals. The change is based on the agency’s new policy for research funding and is part of increasing transparency for the agency’s research process. For more information regarding the process and the calls in question, please visit:
Tuesday, 9th Feb 2021 at 12 noon GMT Register here To check the corresponding time in your country please check this link: We have so many tools and means to practice radiation safety. The transition from radiation safety to radiation safety culture occurs when we are able to make everyone involved practice safety. Thus, radiation safety culture has much to do with establishing culture. Experts from 4 major international organizations shall deliberate on this important topic and will cover both diagnostic and therapeutic activities in which staff in medical institutions are involved with. For more information please visit IOMP webpage.
Den 16 februari 2021 arrangerar Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten Nationella strålsäkerhetsdagen, ett årligt återkommande evenemang där aktuella frågor inom strålsäkerhet diskuteras. Årets konferens handlar om konsekvenser och lärdomar från olyckan i Fukushima för tio år sedan och de strålsäkerhetsutmaningar som industrin och myndigheten ser framför sig. Konferensen kommer också att belysa olika konsekvenser av olyckan för det japanska samhället. – Olyckan i Fukushima ledde till stora omställningar för att öka säkerheten inom kärnkraften i Sverige och världen över. Det är därför spännande att samla företrädare för olika samhällsaktörer för att diskutera konsekvenserna och det utvecklingsarbete som tagit sin utgångspunkt i lärdomar från olyckan, säger Nina Cromnier, generaldirektör på Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten. På programmet: •InledningNina Cromnier, generaldirektör Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten •Vad orsakade olyckan i Fukushima Daiichi?Jan Hanberg, enhetschef Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten •Hur påverkades det japanska samhället?Lars Vargö och Stefan Noreén, tidigare ambassadörer i Japan •Hur påverkades den globala kärnkraftsindustrin av kärnkraftsolyckan?Agneta Rising, tidigare ordförande för World Nuclear Association (WNA) •Läget i olycksområdet idagJan Johansson, myndighetspecialist Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten •Vad säger den samlade forskningen om hälsokonsekvenserna av olyckan?Eva Forssell-Aronsson, Professor vid Göteborgs universitet och ledamot i FN:s vetenskapliga strålningskommitté (UNSCEAR) •Vad kärnkraftsindustrin och myndigheten har lärt sig av olyckanBjörn Lindhe, VD Forsmarks kraftgrupp AB och Ringhals AB, Johan Lundberg, VD Oskarshamns kärnkraftsgrupp AB och Michael Knochenhauer, avdelningschef Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten •Utvecklingen av det svenska strålsäkerhetsarbetet: nya beredskapszoner kring svenska kärnkraftverk och nya föreskrifter för reaktorerCatarina Danestig Sjögren, enhetschef Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten och Aino Obenius Mowitz, utredare Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten •De långsiktiga och framtida utmaningarna för ökad strålsäkerhetRobert Andrén, GD Energimyndigheten, Johanna Sandahl, ordförande Naturskyddsföreningen, Johan Svenningsson, VD Uniper Sverige, Björn Lindhe, VD Forsmarks kraftgrupp AB och Ringhals AB samt Nina Cromnier, generaldirektör Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten Arrangemanget hålls, på grund av pandemin, digitalt och är öppet för alla. Det publiceras i efterhand på Strålsäkerhetsmyndighetens Youtubekanal. Konferensen vänder sig till dig som arbetar med, eller har ett intresse för strålsäkerhetsfrågor. Det kommer att finnas möjlighet att ställa frågor via e-post på: under evenemanget.Stral säkerhets dag 2021 Program och länk till konferensenYtterligare information: kommunikatör Pelle Zettersten, Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten, 08-799 42 14 eller via myndighetens pressjour, tel. 08-799 40 20.
A new position was announced for a postdoc in radiation biology to be involved in the EU H2020 SINFONIA project as well as a regionally funded project. Welcome to apply before Jan 18. English: Swedish:
The meeting “Cancerfondens planeringsgrupp för onkologisk radionuklidterapi” was postponed due to covid-19 and with hopes that a physical meeting could be held in springtime 2021. Unfortunately, the current covid-19 situation has not improved. It was now decided to run the meeting digitally from 9th -10th June 2021. Save the date and inform new researchers and students who might be interested to participate. You can also start to prepare abstracts for presentation. More information will come soon and will be regularly updated on the homepage:
Here you will find information about the network, upcoming workshops and other activities where SWE-RAYS is involved, as well as other activities of interest to our members. Membership in SWE-RAYS is free and you are also welcome to join our group on LinkedIn and Facebook. Don’t forget to like our facebook page!